A Cunning Plan

A trap is set to catch the thief.
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A Dead Merchant

A respected old merchant, Arsham Heavythumb, has died. She was the last of her house and her goods have been distributed to the other houses, as is custom.
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A Dead Noble

An old noble has died and with no heirs her belongings have been claimed. Most of it is junk, only an old dagger seems to be of any use.
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A Dead Wielder

The remains of a dead wielder have been found and their belongings have been claimed.
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A Duel Of Wits

The two resident troubadours of the taverns 'Milk Teeth' and 'The Stubborn Tankard' are preparing for an upcoming 'Duel of Wits!' The entire population is excited about this and extra gold is required to keep order between the supporters of the different troubadours.
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A Gift of Sight

The seeress warns of a sandstorm. The settlement is prepared and there are no damages or losses. The storm uncovers a cache of old treasure.
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A Great Hemlock

Barony of Loth
A great hemlock was found in a nearby forest. Its beauty and size surpassed anything any of the woodcutters had seen.
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A Great Oak

A great oak was found in a nearby forest. Its beauty and size surpassed anything any of the lumberjacks had seen.
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A Great Willow

A great willow was found in the deep Marsh. Its beauty and size surpassed anything any of the gatherers had seen. They gather many fallen branches from the ground around its mighty trunk. The Marsh provides.
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A Merchant's Demands

A letter was received demanding compensation for the death of the Baryan merchant. Adequate compensation was sent, minus the expenses for seizing the robbers.
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A Mysterious Chest

A beautifully carved chest has been found in a remote valley. No key will fit the lock, and no blacksmith can open it. It was traded to a scholar for a reasonable price.
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A Mystery

Mercenaries were hired to retrieve the stone and the indebted. The mercenaries found no sign of the stone, but there was a large pile of treasure, and surrounding the treasure, blood, bones and pieces of the indebted.
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A Sign for Traders

The bog ejects the bloated corpse of the Baryan trader and a few chests. The trader's body is hung at the edge of the Marsh to let other traders know they are not welcome. Life returns to the Marsh.
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A Split Tree

A bolt of lighting split a huge petrified tree and much ancient amber was found inside.
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A Strange Tower

When the sandstorm abated, a tower without any visible entry or exit point appeared. A single window glowed eerily each night, but no inhabitants were seen. Each morning, a pile of gold was left outside.
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A White Elk

A white elk has been spotted and is seen as a good omen by all.
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A band of adventurers attacked and slayed an ogre in the Faey woods. The band has been found and hung, and their belongings seized.
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Pollen from the abundance of flowers at the market means that everyone suffers with allergies, itchy eyes and sneezing. Productivity suffers.
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During the annual Festival, alliances between the Merchant Houses are renewed and strengthened. Freeblades are acquired and marriages are arranged resulting in land and resources. It is a very costly time.
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An Apple a Day

Barony of Loth
The toxicologists have spent time in their lab and discovered that an apple a day will keep people healthy. This increases the demand for apples.
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An Eerie Song

Barony of Loth
The watch reported hearing an eerie song, sweet but sad, with words that no one understood. The Unseen society are taking this for a good omen.
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An Old Letter

An old letter was found in the bottom of the late nobles travel chest. The letter was addressed to some unknown relatives within the Barony of Loth. The letter is quickly burned and the old coins within are sent to the coffers.
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An Unjust Cause

Barony of Loth
A band of knights were provoking the Unseen Society to attack them. If they wont swear the Oath, their bones and essence might still be useful. Some Oathbound were sent to take care of them.
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An Unusally Large Egg

A giant bird's nest was found containing a large egg. It was accidentally dropped to the ground when hunters tried to reclaim it. It contained five pieces of ancient amber.
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Ancient Amber

While patrolling the forests, rangers have come across an old tree containing much Ancient Amber!
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Ancient Chelun

When the Chelun are too old to fight, they wander from camp to camp, sharing the stories of Rana and the wisdom of the Marsh. They are welcomed wherever they go. The Marsh adapts.
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Ancient Messages

A group of Sages study the ancient ruins and share the glory of Rana past. The news spreads from campfire to campfire. The folk dream of a better future. The Marsh adapts.
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Ancient Monument

An accident occurs at the ancient ruins. A dragon monument toppled and killed some of the explorers. The villagers spend a day in mourning. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Ancient Ruins

Exploring the Deep Marsh, Hunters come across ancient ruins and carvings that resemble Rana. The story spreads throughout the Marsh and the folk celebrate. The Marsh gives life.
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Animal Husbandry

Barony of Loth
The lumberjacks seem to have a knack for animal husbandry but were put to work collecting materials to build more rat warrens. They took the Oath and worked hard to show their newfound loyalty.
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Annual Coins

The Council of Merchants met to decide how many coins will be added to circulation. The negotiations can be costly.
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Apple Cider

Barony of Loth
A brewer petitions to open a cidery and claim all the unsold apples. The farmers grumble but the brewer is allowed to buy the apples for a lower price.
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Apple Harvest

Barony of Loth
The farmers report a good apple harvest. There is plenty to go around and the people are happy.
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Apple Sales

Barony of Loth
With the increased demand for apples, farmers raise the price.
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The spring rains and the gentle sun have been kind to the apricot groves. A great harvest means good profits.
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Arleon Cousin

Arsham Heavythumb's will has been found stating that her estate should go to an Arleon cousin. Merchant Law doesn't allow for the transfer of such wealth to another nation, and the remainder of her possessions are used to strengthen the battalions.
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At the end of the rainbow, the searchers saw a bright purple glow that revealed a deposit of Celestial Ore. In some ways, this is better than the fabled pot of gold.

At the end of the rainbow, the searchers saw a bright purple glow that revealed a deposit of Celestial Ore. In some ways, this is better than the fabled pot of gold.
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Aurelia's Displeasure

Barony of Loth
The cultists determine that these crows are a sign of Aurelia's displeasure. The peasants swear the Oath in order to appease Aurelia, and then hunt down the crows to appease their hunger.
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Awaken the Sleeper

A strange, but potent voice has visited the dreams of a wielder lately. It whispered ancient secrets of how to wield the Essence.
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Awaken the Sleeper

Barony of Loth
Strange, but potent dreams have visited a wielder lately. In the dreams, the Empress Aurelia whispered ancient secrets of how to wield the Essence.
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Awaken the Sleeper

A strange dream has visited the sleep of a wielder lately. In it, a soft voice beckoned the wielder across the empty desert and whispered ancient secrets of how to wield Essence.
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Awaken the Sleeper

A strange, but potent dream has visited a wielder lately. In the dream, the wielder sat across the fire from an ancient dragon and the dragon whispered secrets of how to wield Essence.
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Bakery Complaint

At the market, the magistrate ruled in the Baker's favour. The Baker built a stone oven and sent sweet biscuits to the fighting forces. Everyone was happy!
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Bar Room Brawl

A contest of wits at the Lucky Pawn got out of hand and into fists. When the fighting stopped at the break of dawn, all that remained was kindling and mist.
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Baryan Merchant

A Baryan merchant was ambushed and killed in the realm. The robbers were captured and the merchant's fat purse was claimed.
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Baryan Trade

The mercenaries were rounded up and ransomed to their employers. For good measure tariffs on Baryan Trade is raised.
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Bee Hives

An Apiarist drew the bees from the Meadowdowns market and led them back to the hives. He offered honey and salve in compensation for the damage done.
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The abundance of wild flowers at a market in the hamlet of Meadowdowns drew a swarm of bees. Many townfolk were stung and the market closed early.
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Barony of Loth
The meadows of Loth bloom with a delicate blue bellflower named the Tears of Aurelia. Children collect the flowers and sell them to those making a pilgrimage to the Shrines of Aurelia.
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Bidding War

Merchant houses compete to hire the most impressive companies from the Pikeneers Parade. These bidding wars can be very expensive.
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Bird Flu

A mysterious illness emerges in all villages with chicken coops. It spreads rapidly from camp to camp. Soon, all Rana are affected. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Bird Sign

A Great Horned Owl was spotted above a Harima fortalice and considered a sign of fortune. Hearing of the omen, many Harima join the battalions.
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Bird Storm

A great windstorm runs through the Marsh. Many of the chicken coops are destroyed and the birds escape into the Marsh. The Marsh adapts.
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Birth of Aurelia

Barony of Loth
On the anniversary of Aurelia's Birth, all the faithful feel a special connection to the empire and the spirit of Aurelia.
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Birthday Presents

The people celebrate the birthday of Cecilia Stoutheart with gifts and many festivities.
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Birthday Presents

Barony of Loth
The birthday of Aurelia is celebrated each year with an exchange of gifts to represent the gifts she gave to the Empire.
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Birthday Presents

On this day the Pipers bleet, the Hellbreaths boom and the night sky is filled with fireworks to celebrate another trip around the sun for anyone born this day.
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Birthday Presents

The Rana recognize the spawnlings born on this day. A small crate bubbles up from the bog bearing gifts. The Marsh gives life.
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Bog Berries

Bog Berries are ripe and all the Rana collect them. The harvest is good and everyone celebrates. The Marsh provides.
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Bog Rejects

The great bog ejects treasure from the past. The Marsh provides.
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Bone Dog

Barony of Loth
Dogs love bones, and Scout is no different. Scout has found a mound of old bones, and within some treasure was recovered. Good dog!
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Break and Enter

A thief attempted to climb the strange tower in order to break in. The thief's body was never found but a foul-smelling mist surrounded the tower and the gold stopped appearing.
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Bright Sunny Day

Barony of Loth
A pleasant day for excavating and even the Oathbound seem cheerful.
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Bright Sunny Day

A pleasant day for maneuvers and drills. The Mercenary companies show off their formations to the amusement of all.
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Bright Sunny Day

A pleasant day for feeding the ravagers. The Marsh provides.
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Broken Canoe

A broken canoe, belonging to one of the explorers, washes up in the Marsh with no sign of the missing explorers. The families mourn. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Broken Fences

Crawlers escape their pens in the night and feast on the stores of fish. The folk are hungry and forced to buy from some traders. The Marsh adapts.
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Carved Stones

Large stones with unsettling carvings have appeared near a settlement. Some say it is the Faey who placed them there to sow fear in the weak hearted. The stones were claimed for the benefit of the masons.
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Catch a Wolf

Barony of Loth
The old forester tracked the wolf back to its den to find a pile of old bones and armour. The unseen society are more interested in the bones than the wolf as they set out to retrieve the bones.
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Catching The Thief

The sentry at a guard tower spotted and shot a pocked man running across the fields with a big bag. Lots of gold was found in the pocked mans possessions.
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Catching The Thief

The sentry at a guard tower spotted and shot a pocked man running across the fields with a big bag. Lots of gold was found in the pocked mans possessions.
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Celestial Ore

The militia have been building walls and fortifications. While they were gathering materials one of the old men fell into a mineshaft, he broke his legs but found an old deposit of Celestial Ore.
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Changing Tides

High tides flood the western border of the Marsh with salt water. Many Rana are lost. Life returns to the Marsh.
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A daring hunter raids an oasis and brings back two live chickens. He explains that the Baryans keep chickens and harvest eggs. The Marsh adapts.
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Chicken Coop

Villages with chicken coops are growing as this plentiful food source attracts more Rana and the spring welcomes many spawnlings. More spawnlings, more huts to be built. The Marsh gives life.
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Chicken Thief

After hearing the wisdom of the elders, the chicken thief comes forward and returns the chickens. The thief is banished and their posessions are donated to the cause. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Barony of Loth
Apple Cider is now sold and consumed all through the lands. The people rejoice!
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Clear the Land

Barony of Loth
The ever-expanding empire needs more farms. A crew of Oathbound is sent to help the peasants.
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Coalflower Fortress

Barony of Loth
The Coalflowers have built a new fortress and called it a gift from Loth. Some Scholars are sent to set up some excavations and spread the word of the Empress.
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Coin Celebration

Each Merchant House hosts lavish entertainment to celebrate the newly minted coins and boast of their wealth.
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Barony of Loth
Wherever the Oathsingers chant, they collect donations from the crowds who gather to hear the ancient melodies.
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Collection of Poetry

Reading these stirring verses aloud inspires the troops.
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A ball of fire streaks across the night sky. The peasants fear it is a sign of doom and hide in their huts. Some crops are destroyed when the comet crashes down.
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Barony of Loth
A ball of fire lights up the night sky. The Scholars suspect it may have powerful essence and go in search of it. It is a long and strenuous journey.
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A ball of fire streaks across the night sky. Mistaking it for a new weapon, a skirmish erupts between two merchant houses. The costs of war are high.
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A ball of fire streaks across the night sky. An elder travels the land proclaiming the comet signals the rise of Rana. Many see the comet and begin to learn the shaman ways. The Marsh provides.
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Barony of Loth
Spectres traveled the fever-ridden lands and gave comfort to the living by raising any who had died after taking the Oath. They are called the Risen.
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Many markets and merchants are seen throughout the realm. All this commerce is generating a fair amount of gold for the coffers.
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As the season turns, the refugees are embraced in the community, sharing knowledge and skills, for the benefit of all. The Marsh adapts.
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Pipers from all over Barya come to Lastwell to compete for the best new composition. There is a great festival and much celebration.
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Barony of Loth
Facing a hungry winter, the disloyal villagers saw the error of their ways. They took the Oath, erected a Shrine of Aurelia and experienced Aurelias mercy.
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Corn Maze

Barony of Loth
The Unseen Society reintroduces the quaint tradition of Corn Maze. It provides amusement and fun for the subjects and admission brings in coin for the cause.
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Counterfeit Coins

Counterfeit coins were discovered. Anyone with counterfeit coins was immediately indebted and their assets seized. That meant new assets for honest Merchants.
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Craftspeople can now provide a steady supply of weapons. They even begin adding exotic resources and develop enchanted artifacts. The Marsh adapts.
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The peasants find a crater left by the comet that destroyed their crops. In the bottom is a large chunk of Celestial Ore.
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Barony of Loth
The journey in search of the Comet leads to a large crater and in its center is a giant chunk of Celestial Ore. The surviving scholars studied the Ore for months, but in the end, it showed no sign of a new essence.
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As the indebted were leaving the abandoned settlement, they were attacked by a mass of Crawlers that had been hiding in the ruins. There were some losses, but a few indebted escaped to tell the tale.
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Crawlers have a remarkable sense of smell. Shaman are training them to seek out rare mushrooms with magical properties. The Marsh provides.
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Crayfish Season

Its Crayfish season and everyone eats well. The Marsh provides.
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Crop Rotation

Employing a new method of crop rotation the farmers have been enjoying great harvests. They happily share their newfound wealth.
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Crypt Hunter

Barony of Loth
Scout discovered an abandoned crypt. The necromancers were pleased and turned those old bones into something useful. Scout was rewarded with a haunch of venison.
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The expedition was successful and in the spring, many healthy new cubs are born in the Dreath compounds.
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Cultist Chorus

Barony of Loth
As the Cultists sing of Aurelia's great works, many are inspired to join the Unseen Society.
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The Chelun tell of purple robed humans willing to pay to look at the old fallen stones in the Marsh. Humans are strange, but they keep coming and they keep paying. The Marsh provides.
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Baryans continue raiding the Marsh. Some hunters leave a false trail to the great misty bog. A week later the bog ejects armour, coins and weapons. The Marsh provides.
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Dairy Merchant

At the market, the magistrate ruled in the Dairy merchant's favour. The dairy merchant's carts were repaired and repairs paid for by the drunken militia who damaged them. He delivered fresh cream to the fortress as a way of thanks. The cream was sold to a Baryan merchant.
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Dark Clouds

Dark clouds cover the land to the west. The peasants think it is an ill omen and refuse to work. Some troops are sent to remind them that dark clouds are much gentler than a sword.
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Dark Magic

Reports of farmers disappearing in thick mist have raised superstitious rumours about dark magic. It's been decided to supply lanterns to all remote villages, at their own expense, of course.
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Day of Gratitude

The Shaman share the lore of the Marsh and remind the Rana of their relationship with the Crawlers, Ravagers and Tremors. Stronger together, the folk celebrate, and the Marsh gives life.
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Dead Innkeeper

A local innkeeper has been found dead, seems like he ran into a thief who killed him and escaped.
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Dead Wood

Among the debris left by the flood of the Western River, the peasants find a petrified tree and ancient amber.
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Death Caps

A group of Sages direct the foragers to collect poison mushrooms to be used in an artifact against the invaders. The Marsh adapts.
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Barony of Loth
After much debate, the cultists determine that the double rainbow is a sign from Aurelia. So impressive is the sign that many new cultists are recruited.
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Barony of Loth
A group of cultists returned from the Coalflowers with more followers to chant the name of the Empress. It also seems there was some treasure collected from the raiders and Gertrude Coalflower has sent along a fair share.
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Some guards mysteriously disappeared while on patrol at the Dawn Star River. The local hunters investigate. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Recent losses and higher taxes have made the peasants question the need for knights. There is much rumbling and discontent.
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While making the repairs on the trade route, an ancient abandoned settlement was discovered. The stones bore engravings similar to the ruins in the Rana swamp. A rare find of ancient amber was well received.
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A strange disease spreads rapidly through the normally resilient Dreath. There are many deaths.
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There are reports of Rana coming down with a strange disease after trading with the Baryan. Many die. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Anonymous donations have shown up and they are much appreciated.
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Double Rainbow

To the East, a great double rainbow was sighted. Everyone went hunting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and abandoned their duties.
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Double Rainbow

Barony of Loth
To the East, a great double rainbow was sighted. Everyone debates if this is a sign from Aurelia and abandons all work.
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A stranger boasted that they could find water in the desert using only a stick. Turned out they couldn't, and the stranger was sold as an indebted to pay for the time they wasted.
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New pipers work hard to impress the audience at the festival in order to get drafted by the best mercenary companies. Competiton has been known to lead to brawls between the competitors.
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Dragon Dreams

An elder wanders from camp to camp recounting tales of Rana heroes from the past. Inspired by these tales, younglings begin practicing their skills. The Marsh provides.
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Dream of the Hag

A wandering old hag was hosted at a nobles holding. At breakfast she told them about a dream of a mountain burning with blue fire and a pot of gold at its foot. After she left a single coin of gold was found in her bedding.
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Some dreath have found their way into the Marsh and multipiled. The Rana are cautious to travel in numbers so that they do not become prey to these beasts. Life returns to the Marsh.
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The rain raises the rivers and streams bringing drift wood to the gatherers. The Marsh provides.
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Dust Devil

A mighty wind blows through a caravan. All lives and goods are lost to the sands.
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Early Riser

The mechanical birds are not appreciated. They wake the mercenaries very early in the morning to much complaining.
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Eastern Border

Barony of Loth
Villagers on the eastern border of Loth refused to pay their taxes or take the Oath. They chased the local cultists away.
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Eastern Pest Control

Barony of Loth
A pine beetle infestation had spread in the woods to the East. A mass of rats were sent to clear the forest of beetles. The lumberjacks were frightened, but grateful.
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The hunter has hatched more chickens and the Rana throughout the Marsh begin keeping chickens and eating eggs. The Marsh adapts.
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Empty Nest

When the migrating birds move on, they leave behind many colourful long plumes that the folk sell to purple robed explorers to use as quills. Humans are strange. The Marsh provides.
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Envoy to Pinecoast

The envoy returns from Pinecoast. The Baron of Pinecoast would not be persuaded and the trade tariff stands.
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Eve of the East Wind

Barony of Loth
No one knows when the practice began, but on the Eve of the East Wind, the people of Loth leave offerings outside their homes and line their thresholds with salt.
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Barony of Loth
The Unseen Society found something special at their latest excavation.
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Dreath handlers go on an expedition to capture wild dreath. It is dangerous but their dens often hold shiny objects theyve taken from their victims.
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An expedition is forming to map the Sighing Desert and search for resources. The cost to invest is high, but sometimes a little risk is needed to reap great rewards.
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The party of hunters investigating the strange sounds discovers a rare albino Ravager. They capture it and put it on display, many Rana travel to see it and it's widely believed that it's a sign of good things. The Marsh provides.
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Explorer's Map

The explorers share maps of the area they covered in the Deep Marsh. They never did discover Greenstone Falls, but the map will be very useful. The Marsh provides.
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A small party of folk set out in canoes to explore the Deep Marsh in search of the legendary Greenstone Falls. The Marsh adapts.
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Faey Fable

Barony of Loth
The village of Elmshire has reported strange lights and music coming from the woods. The oldest villagers claim it is the Faey and warn folk to stay away. But some villagers presented gifts to the Faey at the Offering tree by the forest's edge.
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Faey Feast

Barony of Loth
The villagers of Elmshire reported that the Faey are friendly and have now held a feast for the Faey.
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Faey Fires

Barony of Loth
Those nasty Faey destroyed a village! The Oathbound were sent to salvage what they could and clear it for farmland. The barony has many mouths to feed.
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Faey Music

Barony of Loth
Ignoring the warnings of their elders, the villagers of Elmshire have danced with the Faey and exchanged gifts.
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Faey Tricks

Barony of Loth
Nothing has been heard from the village of Elmshire for a while, so a patrol of Cultists was sent to investigate. It was found empty and abandoned.
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Fair Winds

The strange tower disappeared without a trace, taking the Celestial Ore with it. In the basket that had held the Celestial Ore, a rare artifact was found.
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The heatwave ended and the traveller spreading malcontent was apprehended. The hanging made for good entertainment and the farmers went back to work.
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Barony of Loth
The Aurelian Scholars explain to the crofters that it was Aurelias blessing that made the land so fertile. If the crofters will renew their Oath, and have faith, then Aurelias blessing will return to the land.
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Falling Star

The comet was recovered from the desert. The impact broke it into pieces and revealed Celestial Ore!
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Not enough food is being produced and the people are starving. Much gold must be spent on food and illness.
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Farmer's Feast

The Hen has laid many more eggs but on the morning of the farmer's feast, the Hen was found dead. As a nice gesture, the hen was cooked and included in the feast. The feast is a great success.
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Feathered Nest

The Rana use the chicken feathers to craft warm and soft sleeping pallets. Nothing is wasted in the Marsh. The Marsh provides.
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A triumphant mercenary captain, wore a long Ravager feather in his hat during the Victory parade. This has sparked a demand for feathers and profits are up!
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With feathers in such low supply, they are worth their weight in gold and profits couldn't be higher!
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The annual Festival to mark the Freedom Alliance is at hand. All across the land, Baryans celebrate defeating Arleon and gaining their independence.
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Barony of Loth
Scout was trained by the many cultists and particularly likes playing fetch with the Oathbound. Some Oathbound fell apart when they lost too many bones.
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Barony of Loth
A fever spread across the land. Cultists raced to give comfort and to witness the Oath of the dying.
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Barony of Loth
A fire tore through a village to the South, destroying everything. In the rubble, the villagers found signs of an ancient Mausoleum. It was a fine source of building materials.
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Fires In the Desert

After the Harima Brutes leave, a great fire can be seen deep in the desert and terrifying screams of pain can be heard from very far away. Those whove gone to investigate are never seen again.
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Barony of Loth
Fireworks are set off for the finale of the Harvest Festival to the great delight of all. But there was an accident, and a local granary was blown up. An investigation is ordered.
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On the darkest night of the year, the Tinkerers compete to create artful displays of Fireworks to brighten the night sky and delight the people.
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Fishing Nets

With the harvest lost after the flood of the Western River, the peasants set nets in the river and caught enough fish to feed themselves over the winter. Their hope was renewed.
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Flash Flood

A sudden rain hits the hard packed desert and has nowhere to go. The flash flood damaged a small settlement and lives were lost.
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The Western River has overflown its banks. Many peasants were swept away and much of the harvest was lost.
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Barony of Loth
The Hessian River has overflowed its banks. A nearby farmstead was washed away, but after the waters receded, an ancient crypt was found.
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The Bow River has overflowed its banks, and in its wake, a rare desert flower blooms. The Harima harvest these flowers, which are then distilled into the finest liquor, selling it for a great profit.
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A great rush of water sweeps through the northern edge of the Marsh. The folk were prepared with their fishing nets and there was a great catch. The Marsh provides.
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Fly a Kite

A young tinkerer, inspired by kites, develops a new pulley system for transporting ore from the deep mines and improving production. The local merchant houses pay handsomely for the new technology.
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The mystic and his followers have been disrupting the market. They stormed several warehouses and stole a large amount of stone.
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The elders knowledge is shared from stream to pond and more Rana learn to harvest. The Marsh provides.
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Foreign Goods

An ancient Chelun counsels that the disease is a punishment for bringing foreign goods to the Marsh. Some refuse to listen and there are many more deaths. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Forest Scandal

Barony of Loth
Some scholars, researching pine beetle infestation, stumbled upon a rat breeding farm hidden in the woods. The lumberjacks had stolen the rats sent to deal with the infestation! The Rats were liberated!
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A Fortune Teller teaches some soldiers a chant that is guaranteed to increase their essence. Their Wielder reaps the benefits.
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A wild Ravager descends on the village looking for the chicks. The family is reunited and the wild ravager joins the herd, but not before the ravager does great damage to the village. Life returns to the Marsh.
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General's Journal

Some knights study the writings of a famous general. They present the new strategies to assure victory.
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The Tinkerers Guild gifted mechanical birds to the mercenary battalions in recognition of a recent battle. Either the victory, or the mechanical birds, inspired more Baryans to become mercenaries.
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Gifts from the Past

The remaining explorers at the ancient ruins retrieve the bodies from under the ancient monument that toppled. Along with the bodies, a cache of treasure was discovered. The Marsh provides.
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Gifts of the Dead

Barony of Loth
The scholars have found treasures in a richly ornate crypt. These treasures will be a great aid to the cause.
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Roaming Faey Spirits have found some Glimmerweave, they say it was given freely by a friendly spider. They seem trustworthy, so no-one questions them.
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Gold Deposit

A rich vein has been found in a gold mine.
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Gold Nugget

A gold nugget of incredible size has been found!
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Golden Age

Barony of Loth
A time of peace and a good harvest reminds everyone of the glorious days of the Empire.
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Golden Eagle

A golden eagle has been soaring over the battalions. Widely considered a good omen, the battalions are eager to face their opponents.
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Good Harvest

Farmers toil the fields to great effect and pay for the right to do so.
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Great Harvest

The many farms have had great harvests this past season. They share the spoils of their labour.
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Great Horned Owl

A Great Horned Owl makes its home in a guard tower. The Harima see it as a sign of good fortune but soon the falconry is empty and some Dreath pups have gone missing. A reward is offered to get rid of the Owl.
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Hail Storm

Hail flattens the crops to the south. It will be a hungry winter.
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Harima Elixir

An old Harima warrior drops off a leather flask of an elixir in thanks for the battle to come. She promises that the elixir will give strength to whomever drinks it.
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Harima March

Each year, during the rise of the Fifteenth Moon, the Harima Brutes leave their post and journey deep into the desert without word.
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Harima Return

The Harima Brutes return from their secret desert rituals. Some are wounded, some bear new scars and burns, but all display more strength and fierceness than before.
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Harvest Festival

Barony of Loth
The traditional Pumpkin Harvest Festival is hosted along with a delicious Feast, Entertainment, and a Giant Pumpkin contest.
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The unseasonable heat to the south is affecting crops. The farmers have been heard mumbling that there is a curse upon the land.
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Heavy Rains

Heavy rains wash away the salt and mark the end of Seventh Moon. The Rana are grateful for the seasonal bounty of food and salt. Many eggs hatch in the months following. The Marsh gives life.
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Hedge Wizard

A hermit, claiming to be a wielder, had gathered some locals to demonstrate his power. He did have power, but didn't know how to control it and he ended up killing them all. His belongings contained many interesting things.
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Barony of Loth
A herald from a minor noble, Gertrude Coalflower solicited the Unseen Society. Raiders had been sighted and the Coalflowers seek aid in the form of gold to prepare their defences. Raiders are bad for everyone, and the nobles need to see that Aurelia protects all.
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An elder sage has been teaching the folk about the uses of plants in different seasons for healing. The Marsh gives life.
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Higher Fences

The Ravager herd is growing fast and they break through the corral causing damage. The handlers build higher walls on the corral and reinforce the corral. The Marsh adapts.
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Horned Ones

The folk tell of a band of Horned Ones searching the Marsh and attacking small Rana camps. There have been some deaths. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Horror of Elmshire

Barony of Loth
Bards are hired to write songs and spread the tale of the village of Elmshire to warn other peasants not to trust the Faey. In Elmshire a shrine is built to remember the missing and sometimes, after a new moon treasure appears.
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Hot Sunny Day

Great crowds gather for a great tournament between knights of rivaling castles. Sadly, there were very few accidents but ale sales were brisk.
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How To Draw

The archers study an ancient pamphlet on archery. They seem to learn something from it, the knowledge is passed from archer to archer throughout the armies.
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Barony of Loth
Local peasants are terrified by a pack of wolves that have moved into the area, stealing their sheep. Some brothers of the Unseen Society are sent to investigate.
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Human Lore

The shaman study the ancient human ruins and statues and learn much about their old enemy, the Empress Aurelia. They spread the story far and wide. The Rana will be on their guard. The Marsh adapts.
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Human Statues

The Rana discover many old ruins and statues of humans. The Ethdra use the statues as target practice. Some are toppled for the valuable stone. The Marsh provides.
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The hunting has been lean and the Ravagers are getting hungry. They break through the corral causing damage. The handlers share their rations with the beasts. Ravagers are too valuable to go hungry. The Marsh adapts.
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The arrival of many refugees from the south strains food supplies. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Hunting Lore

Barony of Loth
At the local tavern, a wise old forester shared their tracking secrets with the brother of the Society. Hes paid for his services and the Oath is sworn.
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Some Sassanids were hired to investigate the mystic. They reported that the mystic and his followers were erecting a large stone statue in the desert. It resembled a winged lion protecting a large pile of treasure.
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Ill Winds

A Sandstorm lasting two days covered a wide area to the West. All trade was stopped as Baryans sheltered from the harsh winds.
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Increased Trade

Goods are shipping to the Barony of Pinecoast and profits are increasing in Barya, thanks to the wise leadership of the Council of Merchants.
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Infertile Lands

Barony of Loth
The crops in the newly cleared land withered in the fields. Few fruits ripened. Extra food will have to be bought for the living subjects of Aurelia.
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Inspired by the comet, the Tinkerers improve the aim of the hellbreaths and sell their new designs for a great profit.
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Having huge sums of gold stored means better deals and better prices. The profits are stored in the vault.
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Investigate A Rumour

The magistrate from the market hired a wily old hunter to investigate the rumour of an Ogre.
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Barony of Loth
Some cultists were sent to investigate the crow infestation. They salvaged some of the crops, but the crows came back.
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A brave hunter searches the Dawn Star River for the missing guards. He reports sighting a monster in the river and no sign of the guards, just a few bits of broken weapons. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Jewels For Acorns

A squirrel-hunter found some gems in a squirrel's nest. She told the tale at the tavern to the enjoyment of many. The jewels were later found in her belongings and confiscated.
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Many knights have been jousting and training. The peasants are impressed and afraid of the strong knights. Many have volunteered gold for their protection.
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Keeping their Oath

Barony of Loth
On a cold foggy morning, just outside the castle gates, a troop of Oathbound were found patiently waiting. They had awokened and returned to restore the glory of the empire.
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Some Shaman studied the fake gunpowder then dumped the keg in a nearby bog. The bog bubbled and ejected an ancient treasure chest. The Marsh provides.
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Barony of Loth
Reports come in of a landslide in the southern part of the realm blocking a trade route. The Oathbound clear the road and uncover an old cache of armour and relics from the time of Aurelia.
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Lennox Bridge

Heavy rains destroyed the Lennox bridge while some knights were crossing it. The Knights drowned and compensation was sent to the families.
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Lennox Bridge Repairs

The Lennox bridge is vital for trade and travel. Repairs are costly.
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Barony of Loth
Loyal troops were sent to the Eastern border to show the disloyal villagers the error of their ways. Rats ate all the crops in the field while cultists sang of Aurelias many blessings.
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There is a boom in letter writing. The papermakers are grateful and offer a gift.
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Light Rain

Light rains to the south produce an excellent crop of spring berries.
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Light Rain

Barony of Loth
A light rain caused a nuisance at a nearby excavation. A cultist slipped in the mud and discovered a hidden strongbox.
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Light Rain

Light rains to the south provide much relief to the drought-stricken area. The people celebrate!
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Light Rain

Light rain makes for great fishing. The Marsh provides.
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Chain Lightning flashes across the sky and strikes the land. A quarry is destroyed but a large deposit of celestial ore is uncovered.
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Litter of Puppies

Barony of Loth
A patrol passed by an abandoned farm and found a half-starved litter of puppies. They took them with them to the next town and gave them to grateful farmers. All except one. It was kept as a pet for the troops and named Scout.
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Log Jam

Low water levels reveal a knot of logs and branches. The gatherers collect the wood. The Marsh provides.
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Long Tail Rabbit

Barony of Loth
The League of Lumberjacks are branching out. They've set up stalls in the markets selling Long Tail Rabbit skewers. They are quite popular and help feed the poor.
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Loyal Subjects

Loyal and devout subjects have raised funds for the barony. Their contribution will be a nice addition to the war chest.
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Barony of Loth
The League of Lumberjacks were grateful for the rats that saved the forests and erected a monument to the rats that were lost.
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Reports arrive of farmers being influenced by a traveller criticizing the nobles and putting thoughts of curses in their gullible heads. A bounty is put on the travellers head.
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Market Day

It's market day! And that means extra taxes for the rightful rulers of the realm.
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Market Rumours

Villagers at the market told tales of an Ogre seen in the Tenderwyld. Theyd left the Ogre offerings of tea and biscuits. In return the Ogre told them stories of heroes.
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Market Stalls

There was a drunk brawl causing damages and some disputes between merchants at one of the markets. A magistrate was sent to interpret the law.
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Marsh Lily

The Marsh Lilies are in bloom and the Rana rejoice. The Marsh gives life.
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Marsh Map

One of the tattered scrolls from the trunk of old books is a partial map. This will be a great help. The Marsh provides.
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Master Thief

The thief strikes again. Something must be done. There is an outcry for more guard towers.
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Mature Chelun

The Rana welcome the mature Chelun to their camps where they build sanctuaries for these thoughtful allies. The Chelun bring great strength to Rana forces. The Marsh provides.
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Mending Fences

As the folk gather materials to mend the pens for the Crawlers, they uncover a deposit of Ancient Amber. This will be of great value to the folk. The Marsh provides.
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Merchant Council

During the annual Festival, the heads of the most powerful Merchant Houses meet to renew their Alliance against foreign invasions, and to negotiate pricing for the year ahead. There is great profit in this.
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Merchant Mercenaries

Mercenaries have invaded! They claim to have a contract to extract compensation. Apparently the Baryan merchant was very well respected.
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Many merchants are travelling the lands. The customs and tax collectors do their work.
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During the annual Festival, the charter of Merchants is decided. There are a limited number of memberships. The weakest Merchant houses are absorbed into larger houses and their assets put to good use, usually as indentured servants.
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Messenger Dispatch

An enterprising merchant sets up a carter service between settlements. The service is taxed, of course.
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Metal Supply

The craftspeople return victorious after stealing ore from the Baryans! There is much celebrating and crafting. The Marsh provides.
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Migrating birds have devastated the fish population of the Marsh. The folk must buy from greedy traders or go hungry. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Militia Drills

The milita has drilled and trained night and day. Their efficiency spreads through all the forces.
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Militia Recruits

With crops destroyed by hail, the peasants are hungry. Many volunteer for the militia in exchange for full bellies and copper pennies.
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Milk Teeth Wins

The troubadour from 'Milk Teeth' was victorious. Some would say she sounded glorious. Her rowdy rhymes of rotting teeth, roused the audience and she won a wreath.
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Mineral Shortage

Craftspeople bemoan a steady supply of minerals to keep up with the demand for weapons. They band together and rob a Baryan mine. The Marsh adapts.
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Missing Caravan

Many brigands inhabit the forests near the roads. Merchants complain of missing caravans of goods and along with them, some of the taxes.
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An unusually thick mist has swept across the land. There have been reports of lost sheep and shepherds.
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A wise Shaman investigates the monster in the Dawn Star River and discovers a sunken statue, and strewn around it are heaps of ancient amber. The missing guards are trapped nearby in a sinkhole that revealed ancient ruins. The Marsh gives life.
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More Militia

The many farms are ensuring a large population and a large population means a large militia.
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Barony of Loth
Everyone remembers the anniversary of the day long ago, when the Empress Aurelia died. Folk visit the Shrines of Aurelia and leave flowers and other offerings, hoping for her blessing in the year to come.
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Moving Sands

The winds that blasted the caravan have moved the sands and uncovered a merchant's cache.
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An elder shares the knowledge of the season. Young Rana learn to harvest mushrooms. The Marsh gives life.
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The folk whisper of the monster sighted in the Dawn Star River. They light many fires at night and the Guards and Hunters are unwilling to patrol alone. The Marsh adapts.
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The folk whisper of the monster sighted in the Dawn Star River. They light many fires at night and the Guards and Hunters are unwilling to patrol alone. The Marsh adapts.
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A mystic has been spreading tales of a winged lion in the desert that warned him of the evils of gold. The creature promised him a life without suffering if he would renounce material wealth. His crowd of followers are disrupting production.
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The Council of Merchants hires a Sassanid to go to the Barony of Pinecoast. They soon get word that the Baron of Pinecoast has had an accident. The new Baron has removed the tariff on Baryan goods.
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Nest Egg

A group of Hunters come across an abandoned nest of Ravager eggs. They transport the nest to a local village to keep the eggs safe. The Marsh adapts.
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New Coins

Newly minted coins, with a hole in the center, were unveiled at a ceremony. The hole reminds everyone of the taxes they used to pay to Arleon.
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New Crofts

Barony of Loth
The Oathbound were directed to clear lands near the Tenderwyld for new Crofts to feed the growing brotherhood of cultists. After cutting down a particularly old tree, they were swarmed by crows.
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New Formula

News of the workshop explosion spread and drew the attention of many Tinkerers who journeyed to the site to study this new formula.
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New Orchard

A new orchard is planted, bearing fruit for the people and taxes for the barony.
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New Shrines

Barony of Loth
The Unseen Society erect new Shrines of Aurelia each year. This requires great artists and only the best stone will do.
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An entire village has been troubled with nightmares. The story spreads and some say they are cursed. Life returns to the Marsh.
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A black-clad old woman has been seen moving through the lands. Wherever she goes she always leaves a small offering in exchange for a place to sleep.
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Not Handled with Care

The new gunpowder is adapted for the Hellbreaths. Unfortunately, there was an explosion during testing and the workshop was destroyed.
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Old Hut

An old hut was found and the hermit inside grudgingly parted with the exotic materials she had gathered in the woods.
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Old Roots

Returning to the overgrown Oasis, the Tinkerers found the vines had grown as thick as tree trunks and then died. There were no more roses, and when they cut through the giant vines, they found that the oasis was dry. The vines were collected for lumber.
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Old Scroll

Barony of Loth
Cultists find a rare scroll at an excavation. It contains ancient knowledge on spellcasting in battle that will be useful today.
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One Drum

An elder teaches the Rana young how to make the Tremor drums. The materials come from large fish that live deep in the Marsh. There are a lot of fish needed and a lot of fish to eat.
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A giant opal was found and auctioned off for great profit!
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A great optimism has spread through the lands.
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Paid Mourners

The Merchants guild took up a collection to pay for mourners for the funeral procession. It was a very solemn and swift affair.
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Barony of Loth
The cultists circulate a pamphlet describing the many signs left by the Great Empress Aurelia. They visit even the smallest villages to share their theories.
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Parting Mist

A mysterious mist lingers across the land. Sometimes when the mist parted, glimmering ore was found.
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In this time of Rogue Mercenaries, merchants hire bands of mercenaries to protect the trade routes.
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Peace at Last

Barony of Loth
The local farmers are starting to see the benefit of worshipping Aurelia. Less border hostilities with nearby baronies and the protection from the undead army have led to a peaceful growing season for them and a greater tax collection for the barony.
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Peace At Last

Order reigns throughout the Barony. The Militia return to their fields and a time of prosperity begins.
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Peace at Last

After many victories, the invaders have been driven away. The songbirds sing, the lilies bloom, and the folk gather to give thanks for the yearlings born to a brighter future. The Marsh gives Life.
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Peach Pies

The peach picking militia have returned from the peach harvest and they brought some friends, and some pies!
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Peach Wine

Grateful farmers send cases of peach wine. The troops remember what they are fighting for.
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Great weather and a bumper crop. Some of the milita leave to pick peaches.
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A huge pearl was found in a river.
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A horrible pessimism has spread through the lands.
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Barony of Loth
Many folk make the annual pilgrimage to visit the Shrines of Aurelia and remember her great wisdom and love for her people.
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Pit Flood

The rain continues and the pits fill with water. The diggers stop work, but they catch many eels in the pits now that they are filled with water. The Marsh adapts.
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Plague of Locusts

An oasis to the south is overrun by a swarm of clicking, hungry locusts and will have to be repaired. It seems the seeress was telling the truth.
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Barony of Loth
Moved by the stories of the glorious Aurelian Empire, many take the Oath. In their enthusiasm, they convince their relatives and friends to do the same. May the Empress bless us all.
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Pocked Man

A pocked man has been seen skulking around the villages of the land. There are rumours of ill times to come. Extra wood is gathered to keep the fire in the hearths burning.
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Poison Mushroom

The knowledge of mushroom foraging is misunderstood and poisonous mushrooms are collected. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Poor Harvest

Barony of Loth
Some crofters have had a poor harvest. They claim the land has changed, and is not as fruitful as it was in the time of Aurelia. They petitioned some Aurelian Scholars to find some answers in the history books.
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Pot of Gold

No one found the end of the Double Rainbow but a small chest of Glimmerweave was recovered during the hunt.
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Pot of Ink

A trader has introduced a new popular ink to the court, and many nobles start writing letters. A trade tariff is imposed generating much needed income.
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Some hunters found a Baryan trader willing to sell them a keg of gunpowder for gold. When they returned to camp to test the powder, they found it was fake. The Marsh adapts.
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After a season of training and drills, the pikeneers from many companies form an annual parade to show off their precise coordination. Crowds come from all over to watch these impressive displays and wave flags for their favorites.
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Barony of Loth
Some scholars have been mapping the movements of the stars. They hope to predict future celestial events.
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Prize Hen

A patrol stumble upon a village in celebration. They quickly find out what the ruckus is all about. A hen has layed a solid golden egg. The egg and the hen were swiftly claimed for the realm's profit.
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After a period of time with no attacks on trade caravans, many merchants dismiss their mercenaries. The extra protection is no longer needed.
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Pumpkin Harvest

Barony of Loth
Farmers reported the largest pumpkins on record. Trouble is, they are hard to transport to market. Oathbound are dispatched to aid the harvest.
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Puppet Master

Barony of Loth
An observant cultist studied the puppet show and connected the Puppet Master with the local unrest and the missing Oathbound. All puppet shows were cancelled, the 'puppets' are reclaimed, and the regretful Puppet Master swore the Oath.
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Puppet Show

Barony of Loth
A puppeteer travelled from market to market telling heroic tales of the mighty Oathbound to the children and teaching them the honour of the Oath of Aurelia.
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Barony of Loth
Inspired by the Puppet shows, children around the kingdom began making their own Oathbound puppet shows. Several Oathbound went missing wherever the puppet shows took place.
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Word spreads throughout the Marsh of the death of the former slaves and the unscrupulous trader. Rage grows and throughout the Marsh, the Rana rally, seeking revenge. The Marsh Provides.
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Barony of Loth
The Coalflowers defeated the raiders but there was much damage and they now request aid to make repairs. In exchange for their Oaths to the Empress, more aid is sent.
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Baryan raiders attack a remote village, killing many Rana. The surviving villagers flee to the deep marsh. Life returns to the Marsh.
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To the south, a great double rainbow was sighted. Everyone went hunting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, abandoning all work.
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Without the rain, there are no rainbows. The waters recede and the spawnmates collect treasure along the river bank. The Marsh provides.
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Rally to the Cause

Many battles have been lost recently, so more peasants are drafted into the army.
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Rana Curse

The river bank where the Rana Shaman was killed is covered in the bloated dead fish bodies. The villagers fear theyve been cursed by the Rana Shaman.
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Rana Lore

Recent Baryan raids in the south have caused many Rana to flee, leaving everything they have behind. Those fleeing without shaman to guide them, are often lost in the Marsh. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Rana Reunited

The villagers returned the Shamans body to the Rana. The Rana disappear into the woods by the river and leave a giant opal behind.
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Rana Shaman

A frogling from Rana was found chanting on the river bank. Dressed in tatters this frail shaman soon perished. An artifact was found in his ragged leather sack.
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Rana Shaman

Barony of Loth
A frogling from Rana was found chanting in the woods. Oathbound were sent to investigate, and they immediately attacked and killed the frogling. There seemed to be an ancient command from Aurelia about the annihilation of all Rana.
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Rana Shaman

A Rana frogling was found chanting near an oasis. Dressed in tatters this frail shaman soon perished to the Harima interrogators methods. An artifact was found in his ragged leather sack.
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Rana Threat

A group of hostile Rana have shown up in the realm demanding the body of their kin. It seems the old shaman was important to them.
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Rana Trespassers

Barony of Loth
Some cultist were sent to investigate why the Rana were in the nearby woods. Their purpose remains a mystery, but a strange crypt was discovered with dragon carvings on the outside and treasure on the inside.
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Ranger Patrols

Having many rangers patrolling the lands has made farmers and peasants feel safer and the tax collectors can freely collect the gold.
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A Baryan trader promises to return slaves to the Rana for a price. The folk work hard to collect the gold for the safe return of their relations. The Marsh provides.
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Rare Knowledge

A team of builders doing repairs at the academy discover a trunk of old books. Junk or treasure? It remains to be seen.
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Rare Knowledge

Barony of Loth
Cultists have discovered a trunk of old books. Theyre donated to the Unseen Society for their research.
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Rare Oil

Upon further examination of the roses from the overgrown oasis, the Tinkerers were able to extract an oil with euphoric properties. It sold for quite a profit.
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The Shaman teach that nothing should be wasted. If a Ravager dies in battle the meat feeds the camp, and the marrow is used to trap and train more Ravagers. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Receding Waters

The receding waters from the recent flash flood pulled the sand away and revealed a forgotten oasis.
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Receding Waters

As the sea waters recede after the high tides of the Seventh Moon, an ancient Rana monument is found. The Marsh provides.
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Reclaimed Bones

Barony of Loth
The scholars were able to raise some Oathbound from those recently killed by the toxins, so the trip was not a total waste.
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Barony of Loth
A clever Scholar realized that the reclusive toxoligist, Malerence Tenic, had kept a small lab in the village that was destroyed by the Faey. The earth had been polluted by the lab when the Faey attacked.
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Impressed by the Pikeneers' display during the parade, many young people enlist with their favorite pikeneer company.
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Led by some shaman, Rana refugees from the South find their way to safer camps in the North. The Marsh gives life.
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Relic Buyer

Having found the treasure the skull whispered of and seeing no further use for it, the skull was sold to a travelling merchant who expressed an interest in things like that.
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Relics of Old

An old temple has been located and searched. A wise Chelun has helped identify the most important items and the history behind them. The Marsh provides.
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The honey and salve from the Apiarist provides relief for the allergies and they sell well at the market. Sales, productivity and taxes are up!
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On the eve of First Moon, a feast is held and lanterns are lit to float along the streams and waterways of the Marsh. Stories are told to remember those who have died, and visions of the future are whispered around the Shamans tents. Life returns to the Marsh.
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The folk find their relations where the Baryan trader said they would be released. But the former slaves have all died and the trader is never seen again. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Indebted are sent out to make repairs after the sandstorm. This causes labour shortages in the foundries, mines, and mills, but the wool shipments start up as soon as the repairs are made.
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The Captain of the Guard begs a reprieve for the owl. Since its appearance at the guard tower there has been an influx of Harima volunteers.
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Most of the captive folk are recovered from Barya but there were more losses. The folk are demoralized. Life returns to the Marsh.
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A full moon cycle after the broken canoe was discovered, a few of the explorers were found hungry and tired on a makeshift raft. The Marsh gives life.
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The Baryans have become too bold. Its time they were taught a lesson. Storm Guards execute a successful raid. The people are inspired. The Marsh provides.
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The folk deliver the gold to the Baryan trader, who gives them a map to a location where their relations will be released. The Marsh adapts.
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A large force of Baryans is seen approaching the swamp. Their path leads them directly through the Crawler breeding grounds. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Rich Reward

The lair of the brigands in the forest is found. The missing taxes and goods were recovered.
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A new and powerful gunpowder is tested by the Musketeers with promising results.
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Barony of Loth
A rockfall blocks a stream endangering the farms that rely on the water. Some Oathbound are sent to clear away the rockfall and reinforce the stream bank. The locals are impressed.
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A small rockslide wiped out a farm, but deposited a huge pile of stone.
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Rogue Mercenaries

A band of unemployed mercenaries have taken to a life of crime. They have ambushed caravans and halted trade across the desert. They must be stopped.
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Romance Novel

A novel from the trunk is about the great love and tragedy of the knights of old.
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Barony of Loth
An unusually large flock of crows have claimed much of the recent crops from the new crofts. There will be less grain in store for the cultists and less taxes for the barony.
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Rotten Apples

Barony of Loth
Many peasants can't afford apples with the increased prices. The farmers refuse to lower the prices, claiming that since they're so good for you the price should be high. The apples begin to rot.
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A deep rumble was felt beneath the Marsh. Waters rose and flooded a deposit of Celestial Ore. The elders say that the waters will recede again, but until then no mining can occur. The Marsh adapts.
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Studying the scrolls found in the trunk, the elders unlock the mystery of the ancient runes. This is very useful! The Marsh adapts.
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Barony of Loth
A Baryan Sassanid together with a Tinkerer were resposible for the explosion. Hiring fireworks specialists from Barya was, in hindsight, not a good idea. But the spies had been well paid, and that gold is now confiscated.
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Safe Travel

With the hired Mercenaries protecting the caravans, the attacks stop and trade resumes. The future looks bright and attracts new trade.
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Salt Lick

The layer of salt left behind from the Seventh Moon high tide attracts many creatures of the Marsh and the Rana hide in their huts. Beware the wild Ravagers. The Marsh adapts.
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Salt Ponds

The Rana collect the salt left behind by the receding waters of the Seventh Moon high tide. This valuable resource helps preserve fish and other foods. The Marsh provides.
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Savage Rana

Barony of Loth
Aurelia was right to utter the commandment of Rana's annihilation. Rana raiders have appeared in the lands causing havoc.
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Savage Rana

Tribes of hostile Rana have appeared, who knows why these savages would do anything? Perhaps they are lost.
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Barony of Loth
The farmers were really creative with the scarecrows this year. They look like Oathbound with funny hats. Spirits are lifted and the harvest is good.
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Scars and Veterans

Many wounded veterans have been traveling around the lands gathering gold for the cause.
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Scholarly Research

Barony of Loth
The Aurelian Scholars find no answers in the history books to explain the changes in the land. They raise some Oathbound to see if they remember anything from the time of Aurelia.
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Season of Awakening

The elders say that the season of Awakening is the time to cut back reeds from the birthing pools and fortify the banks around the pools. The Marsh adapts.
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Season of Dreaming

The elders say that the Season of Dreaming is the time to imagine the future when the Rana are free and the Marsh is reclaimed. The Marsh Expands.
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Season of Hope

The elders say that the season of Hope, when the Rana young are born, is a time to celebrate the possibilities of the future. The Marsh gives life.
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Season of Listening

The elders say that the Season of Listening is the time for all young Rana to find their calling and develop their skills. The Marsh adapts.
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Season of Preparation

The elders say that the Season of Preparation is the time to gather food and supplies for hard times ahead. The Marsh provides.
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Season of Reflection

The elders say that the Season of Reflection is the time to think back on the joys and sorrows of the past and give thanks to the Marsh. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Season of Watchfulness

The elders say that the season of Watchfulness is the time to guard the birthing pools and protect the Rana spawnlings. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Secret of Bones

Barony of Loth
The journal of an ancient wielder is found in the trunk of old books. It shares some interesting theories of Necromancy and has been sold to a collector of rare books for a handsome sum.
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Seer's Wisdom

A seer travels to the village cursed with nightmares. She discovers the watersource has been tainted by some old leaking barrels. The villagers remove the barrels and discover treasure inside. The curse is lifted. The Marsh adapts.
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A seeress in the market warned all her customers of a plague coming in the form of a noisy dark mass. She was fined for disturbing the peace.
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Barony of Loth
The Risen return to their duties, some in better form than others, and continue to serve. Many more peasants, take the Oath hoping that they too will cheat death.
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The Marsh settles, the water recedes, and the Rana cautiously return to the mine. To their surprise, a new deposit of Celestial Ore has been uncovered. The Marsh provides.
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Shattered Boulder

A monstrous thunderstorm has split a giant boulder into workable stones. Workers have swiftly claimed all suitable material.
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Shifting Stream

A stream shifts its course and reveals some old ruins. The stone is reclaimed and there is also some treasure! The Marsh provides.
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Sighing Desert

The expedition party to map the Sighing Desert has gone missing. This was a bad investment. Some wonder if the venture was cursed.
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Silent Drums

An elder welcomes the new Tremor riders into the community and after an evening of celebration there is peace.
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Slain Sheep

A herd of sheep was slain in the dark of night. The herder was punished for sleeping on his shift but the locals now fear what is hiding in the darkness. On the upside, the sheep skins were sold for a bit of gold.
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The villagers report that the Baryan raiders took captives. The folk remember the days of slavery and demand retribution. A party of hunters is formed to recover the Rana. The Marsh adapts.
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Smith's Tribute

A smith has sent their latest piece of work, the craftmanship is superb!
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Solar Eclipse

The astronomers predict a solar eclipse. Taxes are increased on candles.
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Solar Eclipse

Barony of Loth
The scholars predict a solar eclipse. A celebration is held in Aurelias name, the spirits are high!
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Solar Eclipse

The sky swallows the sun like the river washes over sand. The Rana see this as a good omen and there is much celebrating. The Marsh gives life.
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Barony of Loth
Pilgrims will bring the Tears of Aurelia to the Shrines and whisper their sorrows in the hopes that the Empress will take their pain away.
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Spoils of War

Winning battle after battle has paid off. Gathering all the spoils and pieces from the battlefields have netted a large sum of gold.
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Squirrel Hunters

Many peasants are now hunting squirrels as a way of getting extra food. The pelts they sell gather some extra gold in taxes.
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Staked Nornor

The wandering black clad woman has been found dead, with several stakes piercing her body. Her belongings are redistributed. But it seems that she, in death, has uttered a curse!
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Steel Blades

The Tinkerers have discovered a new method of working steel. This new method creates lighter blades that hold their edge longer. The Sassanids are even more effective now.
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Steel Craftsmanship

The steady supply of steel allows craftsmen to create fine artifacts of far superior quality.
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Steel Work

The Tinkerers new method of working steel has been applied to industry. Sawmills and mines are more efficient and profits are up!
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Stomach Pain

Everyone who ate at the holding with the old hag has awoken with food poisoning. Some started whispering that the old hag is to blame.
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Storm at Sea

A storm at sea has washed the wreckage of a Baryan trading vessel ashore. The cargo is claimed as salvage and the survivors were returned to Barya, for a price.
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Strange Growth

A caravan driver reported that an oasis along the trade route had been overgrown with a thorny vine. Theyd had to hack at the vine to get to the water, and the vine had grown back immediately. They claim the well is cursed and should be avoided.
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Strange Land

Barony of Loth
Farmers were sent to the newly cleared land but they complained about a bad smell and strange ailments. Some died and many of them abandoned the farms.
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Strange Sounds

A wandering shaman tells of a strange keening sound in the deep Marsh. Even the Ravagers seem disturbed by the sound. A party of hunters investigates. The Marsh adapts.
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Strange Times

The missing expedition arrives at a distant settlement. Everyone who took part looked as if they had aged ten years. Still, they found a lot of resources.
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Strong Armor

Barony of Loth
The knights were defeated and their bodies donated to the scholars for study. Their armor was of good quality and kept in compensation for the trouble they caused.
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Strong Winds

Strong winds to the North have damaged villages and knocked down trees. The lumbermills will need repairing to process the fallen trees.
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Study Your Enemy

Studying the human books found in the trunk from the bog reveals their strategies. Rana develop new ways to defeat the humans. The Marsh adapts!
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Superb Tax Collector

One of the tax collectors has done a great job recently.
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Superb Tax Collector

One of the tax collectors has done a great job recently.
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A hunting party made up of Musketeers and Pikeneers was hired for an expedition to the swamp to collect more Ravager feathers. The hunting party was never seen again and there is no new supply of feathers.
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The hostler at the village coaxes another Ravager to care for the abandoned eggs. All three hatch! And they are hungry.The Marsh provides.
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Troops are sent to procure the services of the seeress who predicted the locusts. Her talents might prove useful.
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Troops are sent to procure the services of the seeress who predicted the locusts. Her talents might prove useful.
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The Council of Merchants received new tariff rates from the Barony of Pinecoast. The rates are outrageous! An envoy is sent to negotiate. The Merchants share the cost.
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Taxation Reform

Barony of Loth
A Baryan book of taxation reform was translated. Many of the ideas are implemented to great effect.
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Tea Merchant

At the market, the magistrate ruled in the Tea merchant's favour. The tea merchant moved her stall to a more profitable corner and sent some fine teas to a nearby fortress. Everyone was happy!
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Tea with an Ogre

The rumours were true! Presenting the wise Ogre with tea and biscuits, it revealed the location of an old treasure to the hunter.
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The Apprentice Map Maker

The Explorers Guild are excited about the journals and have commissioned surveyors to make new maps outlining the expanded territories of the realm.
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The Battle of the Bard

The competition creates many new songs that can be heard in taverns far and wide. Everyone is singing "Nearly a Knight, and many young people start practicing the lute and scribbling verse.
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The Dishonest Merchant

A wandering merchant was caught trying to cheat the locals. He was swiftly judged for his crimes and his goods - various exotic resources - were seized.
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The Forest Court

A gift has arrived from the forest court. The Faey send their fondest greetings and an old artifact wrapped in a finely embroidered linen cloth.
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The Golden Hen

The hen that was claimed has laid many golden eggs but letters have been received from the village asking for its return. Preparations are made for a feast to reward the villagers for their 'gift' to the realm.
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The Heart of Arleon

The knights offer a purse to the Bard who can compose the best ballad with the theme, 'The Heart of Arleon', celebrating Arleon knightly heroics.
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The History of Arleon

A visiting scholar reveals some secrets of the neighbouring Barony in exchange for access to the library. This information will be useful in future conflicts.
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The Master Smith

A blacksmith has crafted an item worthy of a wielder. She asked only for a suitable apprentice in return. She was sent away with a young page and her gift accepted.
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The Stubborn Tankard Loses

The troubadour from The Stubborn Tankard did not claim the wreath for which he hankered. But for his clever rhyme of Nail and Hale, he was awarded many flagons of the best pale ale.
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Thief in our Midst

The local nobles are grumbling. Little things are constantly going missing.
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A robbery! Somehow a thief broke into the vault and took off with a hefty sum.
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Thieving Justice

The thief turns out to be a young noble, bored with life but not fit to be a knight. They're sent on a lengthy trade mission to Barya, there those skills were put to good use.
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Thorny Vines

A group of curious Tinkerers went to investigate the oasis. It was indeed overgrown, and they couldn't get anywhere near the water. It was surrounded by a wall of thick thorny vines that bore beautiful and fragrant roses. They returned with some samples.
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Three Drums

An elder teaches the Rana young how to ride the Tremors with stealth through the Marsh and how to watch for their enemys approach.
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Thunder startles a herd of sheep into the woods. The sheep are never found but the shepherd found a tree of amber.
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Times of War

Barony of Loth
New members flock to join the Unseen society and see the glory of Aurelia restored. However theyve abandoned their work and the markets suffer.
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Times of War

The mercenaries have honed their skills in the many battles fought. Their spirits are raised!
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Times of War

There is no war without loss. Life returns to the Marsh.
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Times Of War

The militia have been busy so the crops have gone untended and the people are hungry.
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Tinkering with the Ore

The Tinkerers have developed a new method for processing Celestial Ore. A time of great invention begins and there is profit for all!
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Toll Bridge

The Lennox bridge repairs are complete. A new toll is imposed.
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Training Crawlers was a good idea. They are excellent at following a scent. Some guards are using them to rescue Rana captured by slavers. The Marsh adapts.
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Tracking a Wolf

Barony of Loth
The brothers from the Unseen Society report that the wolf tracks were washed away and they found nothing. However, the peasants were grateful for the attempt and saw the benefit of joining the society.
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Trade Basics

A merchant calculated the gold that had been found outside the strange tower and left a basket with the equivalent value of Celestial Ore.
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A trader from Barya travels through the swamp with a brightly coloured wagon filled with useful tools, woven blankets and candy. They trade for mushrooms and plant dyes. The Marsh adapts.
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Trader's Wagon

A Baryan traders brightly coloured wagon is found mired in the bog. There is no sign of the Trader but the wagon and contents are salvaged. The Marsh provides.
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The early morning wake up by the mechanical birds allows more time for training and longer marches. The mercenaries improve.
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Travelling Entertainers

A troupe of entertainers have been going from tavern to tavern, spreading laughter and joy throughout the lands. The troops now have high spirits for coming battles.
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Treasure Chest

After a battle a hefty chest was found that was guarded by the, now dead, enemies.
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Treasure from the Bog

The bog ejects a trunk of old books and scrolls. Some of the scrolls have runes similar to some old carvings in the Marsh. They're brought to the Chelun for further study. The Marsh provides.
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A Shaman teaches the young how to approach and tame a wild Tremor. Tremor venom is used by the Shaman for many purposes. The Marsh adapts.
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Trunk of Books

A trunk of journals from the old explorer Sheema Farstep is discovered at a dried up Oasis. Theyre sold for a symbolic sum to the Explorers Guild.
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Tuning Fork

The winning composition from the Piper's competition receives a brass tuning fork and a cash reward. The local battalions recruit many new pipers.
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Two Drums

An elder teaches the Rana young how to mount the drums on the Tremors. It is dangerous work and sometimes there are accidents.
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Village Feud

Two villages feud over stolen chickens. Lives were lost. A travelling Shaman reminds the villagers that violence should be directed at the invaders and not each other. Life returns to the Marsh.
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The recent victories have inspired many volunteers to join the army!
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Barony of Loth
The recent victories are seen as a sign of Aurelias favour. Many seek to join the Unseen Society and rebuild the empire.
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The recent victories have inspired many young Baryans to seek their fame and fortune with the mercenary companies!
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The recent victories have inspired many Rana to rise against their oppressor! The Marsh adapts.
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Warm Fires

Every fire burns warm and the spirits of the troops are soaring.
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Training Crawlers has paid off. They detected some slavers and gave a warning. The Rana prepared an ambush, defeated the slavers and freed some captives. The Marsh adapts.
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The Guild sent some Tinkerers to deal with the Crawlers and repurpose the settlement as a waystation for caravans travelling the dangerous route. There were no more caravans lost.
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Whispering Skull

An old skull that was kept locked up in a chest has started whispering about treasures buried a long time ago. Following the directions a small treasure is found.
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Whispering Skull

Barony of Loth
A travelling merchant brings a strange whispering skull to the scholars of the Unseen Society. After learning of the glory of Aurelia, the Merchant donates the skull and gold to the scholars.
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White Eagle

A white eagle has been soaring over the armies. Widely considered a good omen, the troops will rush to fight for the cause next time they are challenged.
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White Eagle

A white eagle has been soaring over Southcreek Flats. This is widely considered a good omen, and the folk rejoice. The Marsh gives life.
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Wildflowers grow along the road making everything smell sweeter. Peasants collect them for market. Bailiffs collect their taxes.
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The honourable Guild of Woodcutters are celebrating a fruitful season and has happily donated some lumber.
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Wool Shortage

A sudden sandstorm causes damage to a trade route and some caravans are lost. The Guild reports a shortage of wool due to the lost caravans.
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A workshop has produced a new and more powerful gunpowder.
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Under the wreckage of the workshop that exploded, an ancient cache of exotic resources is found.
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Young Chelun

When the Chelun first crawl from the egg they travel far along the waterways of the Marsh, gathering strength and knowledge. The Marsh gives life.
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