Market Rumours

Villagers at the market told tales of an Ogre seen in the Tenderwyld. Theyd left the Ogre offerings of tea and biscuits. In return the Ogre told them stories of heroes.
Chance of happening5%
Event Chain NameMarket Squabbles
Event RecipientWill affect <span class=\"highlight\">Wielder With Lowest Level</span>
This random event occured because ALL of the following requirements were true:
* You have accumulated 1 Celestial Ore or more
* A prior random event happened with name Dairy Merchant
* A prior random event happened with name Tea Merchant
* A prior random event happened with name Bakery Complaint
+0 XP
PenaltiesYou lose 200-200 Gold, You lose 1-1 Glimmerweave