Vanir of the Bleak East, Patrium-raiders, Chainbreakers, Descendants of Indebted, and the best company in a mead hall filled with roaring laughter. Together with the powerful Vildra, spirits of the land, they grow to enormous strength and are ready to descend upon the world of Aerbor.
From tip to tail, nothing from the animal goes to waste, and the surplus leather can be sold for Gold.
Learn MoreLoggers Camp
Chopping down trees, a good way to hone your axe skills and Wood is always needed.
Learn MoreGuard Tower
When enemies of the Vanir approach, a guard tower detects them and defends against sieges with Garrisons and Ballistae.
Learn MoreLykt Tree
Lykt are born in trees, and thats where they live until they can find a place to call theirs.
Learn MoreCottage
Crone welcome all to their cottage. They can always offer a helping hand, for a price.
Learn MoreStone Bridge
Trolls live under stone bridges, they contain all they love in life. Stones, water and solitude. Bacahorses are often seen in nearby ponds. Why the two like each other is hard to tell.
Learn MoreLonghouse
Berserkir eat, drink and sleep in the longhouses. The Swine are excellent company.
Learn MoreMeadhall
Where the most worthy deeds are recorded and mighty Chieftains plan the next raid.
Learn MoreTrader
Not everything can be found by raiding Patriam. Traders Trade for the resources still missing.
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